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  • Writer's picturejoann yu

September Newsletter!

Hi GPF!!!

We hope the start of the school year has been treating you well.

All of you should have attended the year-opening workshop, so thank you for your commitment! Information about office hours should have gone out to your point people, so please reach out to them if you are interested in more support.

Since last month, new lesson materials from last year have been written up and posted on our Curriculum Page. They are mainly round analysis lessons that were discussed in our workshops from last year, but if you are a new member or weren’t present for those workshops, go check them out! In future workshops, we also plan on doing many more round analysis lessons.

As per usual, If you check under our Resources Page, we have also posted new resources for the month of September! these include news articles and current events to read up on, as well as PF Debate rounds that Hanzhang and I handpicked! Check back monthly for new resource updates—there will also be a reminder every month in the newsletter.

For this month especially, please make sure to keep up with current events, as evidence is very easily outdated in international military resolutions. Keep an eye on any news/updates regarding Putin, Russia, and Ukraine, as well as the Arctic itself. We understand that this topic is very convoluted, so if you are confused, please go to office hours!!

Remember to subscribe to this newsletter and keep an eye out for the upcoming tournament plans!



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