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  • Writer's picturejoann yu

August Newsletter!!!

Hi guys!

We hope you’re enjoying the ending bits of summer as school is about to start.

Depending on when your school’s first day of class is, information about the coming year’s schedule will be sent out to the point person at your school. Throughout the school year, please remember that your point person will be receiving all the critical information from us, including workshop and office hour dates, research assignments, and tournament schedules. Make sure to reach out to them if you have any questions; if they are unable to help you, they will direct you to contact a member of GPF.

Since last month, three new lesson materials from last year have been written up and posted on our Curriculum Page: lessons 8.0, 8.1, and 9 (simple weighing, complex weighing, and in-person debate etiquette respectively). If you don’t have access to the recordings of any of those classes yet or weren’t able to make it to those workshops, we highly recommend checking out those lessons. Even if you were present at those lectures, you should still read up on those materials to review the past year.

We are also currently working on posting some of the round-analysis lectures that we hosted in our weekly workshops last year, so if you want to review those lessons check back within the next month.

As per usual, if you check under our Resources Page, we have also posted new resources for the month of August! these include news articles and current events to read up on, as well as PF Debate rounds that Hanzhang and I handpicked! Check back monthly for new resource updates—there will also be a reminder every month in the newsletter.

Although GPF had no official activities over the summer, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the Septober topic before our first workshop together. If you cannot find/access the resources on this topic, contact your point person. Here is the Septober topic:

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic.

As always, remember to subscribe to the GPF newsletter and read up on current events! Below is a picture of our co-founder Hanzhang Swen and Head of Curriculum Development Maeve Goldman.



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